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We aim  to live out and see the fulfillment of these scriptures

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.         

                                                                                                                                                                   James 1:27


“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

                                                                                                                                                               Mathew 25:40 



           For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.

                                                                                                                                                             Habakkuk 2:14 



We Believe

In the Holy Bible that was divinely inspired by God and has been given to us as the perfect and unflawed authority of faith and how to conduct ourselves in a manner pleasing to God.

In the trinity of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit

God the Father- the Creator of the universe and in whose image we were made.

God the Son - Jesus is the only Son of God, who is equal and one and the same as God. In whom we alone have received atonement for our sins. That He is both fully man and fully God; That He physically came to earth, died on the cross and rose from the dead. That he now sits at the right hand of God the Father until he physically comes again.

God the Holy Spirit – God as a spirit who has been sent to us as help mate, comforter, and to convicted the believer, in order to enable us to walk the Christian walk. And in whose gifts and anointing, we who have submitted our lives to the Lord, have been called operate in.

That we receive salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone and by new birth, and that we are to submit our lives fully unto Him


That every believer has been called and equipped to be a witness to the entire world and to make disciples of all nations.




We value Spiritual well being and Security: We want our children to understand they have a loving Father as well as discover and rest in the assurances of salvation that we find through Him. In addition, we desire them to have the knowledge and security that He cares for their souls. It is equally important to us that we as the staff demonstrate and instill healthy spiritual habits such as bible reading, bible memorization, prayer and worship.


We value Physical well being and health: Malnourishment together with diseases are often the side effects of not making a child’s health a priority. We make sure that the children in our home are healthy by providing clean living facilities, clean water, and nutritionally balanced meals. We also tend to and cover any medical needs of the children. 


We Value Education: Our goal is to empower the children in our home to pursue the unique calling the Lord has for them, and for them to have the chance to thrive in areas where they express interest and talent. A good education will open doors for our children to succeed in anything they chose to go after! We have provided for the educational needs by covering school fees to attend a private Christian school, providing for their school supplies, and teaching classes in our home, including math, science, and English, and extra curricular classes. 


We Value Emotional needs: A child can suffer a lot from emotional trauma, and at a young age they’re very vulnerable. That’s why we feel the need to have a strong focus on creating an emotionally healthy atmosphere. We do this through counseling, both as a group and individuals. And creating a safe place for them to express and share their feelings. And by demonstrating the love of Jesus to them, encouraged them, empowered them, and bestowed value on them. We have shown that they matter to us and that we care about them.


We value Family: Our goal is that we would create a family atmosphere within our home. This isn’t an organization for the kids, it’s their home. We strive to put an emphasis on the fact that we’re a family.  We feel it’s important that the children feel they are a part of and valuable, beloved members of the family dynamic we have created in our home.

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